
Each Thanksgiving we reflect on what has been and what is to come. Welcome to 2021. It was better than 2020.

The theme for this year’s Thanksgiving letter is “Lucky and Grateful.”

And why luck? Although “luck” is defined as success or failures brought on by chance, we in the Gracianna family don’t subscribe to the notion of “chance”; we believe in the “make your own luck” principle.

Meaning…“luck” for us is something less about randomness and more to do with mindset and preparation. We think lucky people create their own luck by the keen pursuit of positioning—positioning to be in the right place at the right time—and being in the right mindset capable of identifying and seizing “lucky” looks—looks at opportunities and new possibilities. Of course, this mindset is directly linked to resilience, a base belief of the Gracianna ethos.

But why luck this year? Several reasons: something normal happened this year. We picked fruit and made wine after a series of unlucky events that would have sunk those less resilient. We also feel lucky for those that have come into our lives and stayed or those that came and could not stay—those we would have never met without divine intervention by the universe. Lucky for health and for a smooth year despite adversities all around us. Lucky for a team of dedicated wine professionals that make Gracianna thrive—from the winemaking team to the tasting room pros and everyone in finance and marketing. Lucky for five cute little grandchildren who are smart and intensely curious. We wish you to make some “lucky looks” in the year to come.

Which leads us to our favorite time of year where gratitude is on the minds of everyone at Thanksgiving. Our “Gratitude Godfather,” Bob Emmons, Professor Emeritus at UC Davis simply defines gratitude as an “affirmation of goodness.” Where we acknowledge that there are good things in our world—gifts and benefits that we’ve received.

Gratitude encourages us to recognize goodness in our lives.

The second part is figuring out where that goodness comes from. We recognize these good things as being outside of ourselves. Bob’s research tells us that true gratitude involves a humble dependence on others. We acknowledge that other people—or possibly even higher powers—have given us many gifts to help us realize the goodness in our lives.

Sometimes goodness can be easy to see—it is as simple as someone who has been good to us or good for us.

This is one of those times in life when we rely on others more than usual. The pandemic has driven us to depths of mental stress and depression never seen in our lifetime. Financially, it can be a stressful time. Health concerns for ourselves or our loved one cause us serious concern. Relationships can be tense.

In the end, shifting our mindset to creating lucky moments, acknowledging goodness in our lives and where that goodness comes from can be a recipe for pulling ourselves up and giving thanks.

That said, we appreciate you. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Trini & Lisa and the entire Gracianna team and family

Photo by Medallion Wine Club member Michael Estigoy